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10 Inspiring WordPress Sites with Innovative Design

10 Inspiring WordPress Sites with Innovative Designs

WordPress has emerged as the bloggers platform of choice if you want to get serious about playing in a digital world.

It stands out as the most popular website and blogging “content management system” (sometimes known as a CMS) that has thousands of free plugins that make it quick and easy to update and customize.

The flipside

But there is a flipside to its growing popularity.

As more and more online publishers are adopting WordPress as their key blogging platform, a monotony and over-familiarity has crept in.

Everything looks identical.

Even though WordPress makes available a whole constellation of incredible themes and plugins, not all website owners are willing to make best use of them. Some of the best themes and plugins come with a heavy price tag, stopping web designers from using them. These are the reasons a majority of WordPress sites give a blatant impression that they are indeed hosted on WordPress. The sidebars, the widgets and certain layout elements are a major characteristic of WordPress.

It’s not about those websites

The following examples are about the websites and blogs that have taken an altogether new route. Whilst these are also hosted on WordPress, a whole lot of innovation has gone into making them look entirely different from the herd. The layout, the landing page, the manner in which widgets appear –  everything has been carefully articulated to keep visitors blissfully oblivious that they are built on the same CMS that  supports most websites on the Internet.

Here are some WordPress sites with innovative design worth checking out.

1. Dogs Can Bark

Leapfrogging the imagination, this one probably fits all the beautiful adjectives you can think of. Adorned with the most beguiling of pictures on the landing page, Dogs Can Bark is highly responsive site that injects ingenuity and takes the definition of this particular word to a whole new level. The website soaks in incredible imagery.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

2. Camacho Cigars

Could it have been more apparent? And could they have added more swagger? The bold representation and the mannish vibe it sends out makes the design a perfect fit for what the brand is trying to convey. And while the site is completely hosted on WordPress, even an expert would have to squint hard to find that out. The dark tones stay true to the product as they have practiced restraint where it was meant to be practiced at.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

3. Films de Weil

The designers of Films de Weil have made quite an effort to make this site unique and it is very atypical WordPress site. It has a beautiful layout which is not cluttered at all by the means of unnecessary widgets and sidebars/headers/footers and all the mumbo jumbo. The French website stakes a serious claim of being one of most beguiling WordPress sites around.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

4. Justin Guarini

It is not difficult to determine the nature of this website. It is a haven for singers and lyricists who want to showcase their works on a platform that can attract the most relevant audience. And the website’s visual interface keeps the innovation alive. You won’t see a strand of text on the website but that doesn’t take away anything from the message it is trying to send out.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

5. Guerrilla Web

This has old world charm that oozes from this website where the pictures are intentionally grainy. It puts you into that 70s mood. The Canadian digital agency Guerrilla Web have made all the right moves to ensure that while they include all the right tones and textures, they keep all the typical WordPress elements at bay. With only a few categories at the top and an image accompanied with some text, it is a perfect example of out of the box thinking and at the same time, staying true to the basics.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

6. Miss The Stars

The theme keeps it as poignant as its name. Keeping it subtle and minimal with the white tone and texture, Miss the Stars makes sure it gets rid of the WordPress vibe completely. Look hard and you would still not find a typical WordPress widget anywhere.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

7. Floris Voorveld

The designers have surely broken all the shackles to create this audacious and creative website that doesn’t give even a hint of its WordPress nature. At the same time, the website looks stunning and works as an instant attention grabbing visual interface.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

8. Enrique Chavez

The designer and developer teams have ensured that the website looks impactful. The website really shows what all you can do with WordPress and at the same time keep the site look like it has nothing to do with WordPress. The simple yet effective color schemes makes it one website highly recommended for folks trying to make their WordPress website not look like a WordPress blog.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs


The backend of this vivacious website leverages the finest features of WordPress, while the frontend keeps it restrained and again not your typical WordPress website. The navigation is an exercise to cherish with beautiful rollovers. All the content is displayed in a structured manner with the use of bright colors.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

10. Westwerk

Another great combination of colors and unique design, Westwerk is a responsive website that is compatible across different browsers and operating systems. It would be hard to gauge and decide if it indeed is a WordPress site for its amazing exclusivity. Innovation runs thick on this site and it totally weaves around a glitzy aura.

10 Inspiring WordPress Designs

These websites give a new dimension to WordPress. There is a stirring potency in their designs and while they stay true to the inherent nature of WordPress, the visual appeal doesn’t give anything away. For those with a panache for innovation, they provide some design inspiration that is worth considering.

Guest Author: Maria is a qualified PHP Development Outsourcing professional who loves writing. She works for Xicom Technologies.

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