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9 Eye-Popping Visuals To Attract More Social Shares

9 Eye-Popping Visuals To Attract More Social Shares

It’s no secret that including visuals in your blog posts can lead to increased traffic and content sharing.

Using eye catching visuals in your posts is a key element for successful content marketing.

Studies completed over the last decade have shown:

These findings all seem to point to one and only one thing:

It’s important to use visuals!

Below are 9 types of images you can use to break-up large chunks of text, make your post visually appealing and get tons of shares.

1. Quote images

Quotes are a great way to illustrate a point. In fact, in “The 4 Hour Workweek” writer Tim Ferriss introduced a new lesson with a quote.

Dodging bullets quote - example of visuals to get more social shares

That helped him illustrate the point more easily.

Quote graphics are a marvelous way to make your post visually appealing as well as get to the point quickly. Here’s an example…

Quinn Whissen’s from Vertical Measures used the quote graphic below in the post.

Robert rose quote - example of visuals to get more social shares

How to add Quote Graphics?

  1. Find a quote relevant to your blog post. Google “Your Keyword” + “Quote” to find quotes for your blog post.
  2. Next thing is to make it visually appealing which you do by using these tools:

2. Stock photography

Stock photography has a lot more to say, if you use the right images. While, cheesy business photos may lead a visitor to close the tab!

But on the other hand, using the right type of stock photographs can show your emotional side and will greatly boost engagement on your blog post.

Quick Sprout is a great example to include here. Many posts of Neil Patel start with a powerful stock image to grab the attention of the reader. Here’s an example:

Neil Patel - example of visuals to get more social shares

Here’re some of the sites to find stock photos for your posts:

3. Screenshots

Screenshots are a great way to visually explain your points.

That’s why most people prefer to use screenshots, not only to make blog posts more visually appealing, but also to add authenticity and support the key points of the post.

In this post about email marketing best practices, Jimmy Daly, content crafter at Vero Blog, used a screenshot to add authenticity.

Alex Turnbull - example of visuals to get more social shares

It can also be beneficial to draw arrows in screenshots. This way the reader can understand your point easily and quickly. Like, this one by AppSumo:

AppSumo - example of visuals to get more social shares

These are some tools you can use to capture a screenshot:

4. Charts and graphs

Many times it will happen – When you need to support your statement with some cold hard facts.

While there’s nothing wrong with simply explaining it, the same point can be made with much more credibility by using a chart or graph.

When it comes to content marketing, they are a rare gem to find. Charts can convey your data strongly and will also help you grab more shares from your blog posts.

In Huffington Post’s article about Why content goes viral, BuzzSumo used charts and graphs to validate every bit of data.

OkDork graph - example of visuals to get more social shares

Tools to create charts and graphs:

5. Personal Photos

Personal photos are a great way to show your human side. Readers directly connect with these photos helping you deepen the relationship.

Here’s an example;

Neil Patel wrote a great post on Quick Sprout, “How Spending $162,301 on Clothes Made Me $692,500

In it, he shared his personal experience and also added lots of personal photos like this.

Neil Patel 2 - example of visuals to get more social shares

Not only did he use this image but also many other personal photos to connect with his audience.

6. Infographics

Infographics are one of the most shared posts on social media.

Not only do they attract tons of shares but they also help you grab links to build your SEO power.

In fact, KISSmetrics got 41,142 links by using 47 infographics in just one year.

Infographics are very useful for breaking down your blog post into an easily understandable step-by-step lesson.

Notice how Copyblogger used infographics to feature the 9 biggest goofs businesses make with their landing pages.


DIY Tools for creating Infographics:

Here are some websites to hire designers:

7. Cartoons and Comics

Images are often a much more powerful medium than text.

Cartoons and comics are even better as they are humorous which makes you smile and laugh.

In a blog post on Writtent about content marketing mistakes, Jared Woods used cartoons to explain his points and add some humor, like this one:

Influencer cartoon - example of visuals to get more social shares

Where to find cartoons for your blog posts:

8. Custom art

Custom images are a great way to boost your brand’s authority.

They make your blog post visually appealing by breaking down the big paragraphs and making your blog post easy to digest.

CoSchedule is a great example to include here. Usually, their blog posts use custom art to highlight any important point. Like this one;

CoSchedule - example of visuals to get more social shares

Designing custom art used to be expensive, but not anymore. Today with the great tools out there, you can easily create custom photos for little to no cost in just seconds.

9. Animated images

Last in the list is animated gifs.

In the age of Images and Videos, animated gifs too are enjoying rise in popularity. It’s always fun to spice up your content marketing with animated gifs.

You can always include humble animated gifs to draw the attention of the visitor.

How to create animated images?

While the majority of projects require hiring a graphic designer to create animated images, you can also use tools like Jing or you can make any YouTube video a GIF!

Lastly, 101 strategies to convert shares into subscribers


Because who knows if those people who shared your blog post will return to your site or not?

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That’s why I’ve included a sweet bonus for you. This bonus will share 101 strategies to get more email subscribers from your post.

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Guest Author: Aman Thakur shows aspiring bloggers and marketers simple and effective ways to grow their email list and get more return from them. Download his free eBook – 101 list building ways to grow massive email list quickly.

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