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9 Ways To Use Facebook To Annoy Your Kids

I don’t know if you remember the time when social media channels such as  instant messaging and MySpace were for teenagers. The evolution of social media is now producing a demographic spread of users that puts Gen Y with Baby Boomers and retirees with teenagers on the same page. It is not uncommon for grandparents on Facebook to be friends with their grandchildren.9 Ways To Use Facebook To Annoy Your Kids

It is also challenging our social norms as adults are starting to receive and view updates on Facebook from teenagers that they normally wouldn’t know about or even want to know about. There are things about parents that our children don’t want to hear of such as the sexual habits of their parents. ( As we know, once parents have children they never have sex ever again or that’s what our children like to think)

Also as parents you wouldn’t hang out at your older teenagers or young adults parties  as it would just look like stalking and just isn’t right but Facebook is providing insights into teenagers lives that is just like turning up to the party in person.

As parents it is our God given right to annoy and embarrass our teenage children… hey, it is written in the job description!

So how can you use Facebook to annoy and embarrass your kids.

1. Posting images of your children with blue faces after practicing Photoshop on your children photos. Hey the kids don’t thinks it funny but the parents do!

2. Writing judgmental comments and updates on your teenagers choice of  fashion is sure to bring on a family discussion that will not be pleasant. Remember fashion was invented so that parents cannot wear the latest latest styles for fear of looking like a fashion tragic.

3. Constantly updating your status with references to your kids. I know you want me to come home this weekend, Mom, but the rest of the Internet doesn’t care!

4. Commenting on your children’s relationship status. If I go from “In a Relationship” to “Single,” I do not need an online pity-party from my mom. Talk about pathetic!

5. Sexy profile pics. I know you looked good in the ’70s, Mom–and you still look great now. But keep your curves under wraps online. The last thing I need is my guy friends calling you babe!

6. Posting baby/childhood photos. No, Mom, no one needs to see me in my childhood bathing suit. And no one needs to know how old I am!

7. Friending your children’s new boyfriend or girlfriend–and you haven’t even met them yet! Same goes for exes: Mom, if I’m not dating them anymore, they are NOT your friend.

8. Mom, just because I’m friends with them doesn’t mean you have to be! And just because you knew them when they were little doesn’t mean you know them now!

9. Do not talk about your sex life in any way, shape, or form. Do not talk about your child’s sex life in any way, shape, or form. Mom, you don’t even know what sex is, OK?

Anyway, I am sure there are many more ways to annoy your teenagers online. How have you embarrassed your children on Facebook?

Source: Image By orangeacid

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