If you want to make it in the world of blogging, you need to know what it takes to stand out from the crowd.
Actually, it’s a whole lot more than just standing out from the crowd, it’s having the ability to be dedicated to your blog, putting in the time and work to create amazing content and then knowing how to promote it so your audience can find you.
With over a billion active sites on the internet and hundreds of millions of them being blogs, you are guaranteed to get lost in the mix when you first get started.
Don’t worry, every successful blogger at one point had to start from zero – and that’s where you will start too.
If you have what it takes to become an All-Star Blogger, you will look back at these initial stages and remember how exciting and fun they really were.
So what does it take to become a successful blogger? A little bit of everything, such as:
- Skill, Dedication, Time and Passion – Yea, all of these are important and each of them have their own reasons why. At the end of the day, you need to realize that the more you put into blogging, the more you are going to get out of it. Unfortunately, most people don’t have the patience to get through the first initial slow phases.
- Real Content that Matters – Blogging is all about content. If your content is garbage and provides no value, you are simply wasting your time. Before publishing content to your blog, ask if it’s something you would actually spend time reading.
- SEO and Content Marketing Knowledge – Content creation is a major component of blogging, but if you don’t have a basic knowledge of SEO (how to rank in the search results) and how to use social media and backlinks to increase traffic to your site, you will have a nice blog with content… just no one to read it.
- Business Mindset and Monetization Plan – This one isn’t necessary for all bloggers, but it does apply to the majority. If you want to make money with a blog, you need to know who your audience is, what value you are providing to them and also how you are going to make money in the process.
All of these fine points are things that you should consider before even starting your blog.
What’s even better is to learn how each of these elements should be used with blogging through the use of powerful and engaging infographics. Once you have a good idea on what type of blogger you want to be and how you are going to start scaling up your content and reaching new audiences, then it’s time to set your sights on how having a blog can really change your life and business for the better!
Now let’s take a look at ten unique infographics that will help you get to “All-Star Blogger” status at a faster pace.
1. The Evolution of the Blogger
Before jumping into the world of blogging and expecting to become the next dot com celebrity, you should first understand where blogging came from and how we got to where we are today.
In this “Evolution of the Blogger” infographic, we can take a look at the very first individuals who helped turn blogging into what it is today, while also seeing how it has scaled up in size – going from individual bloggers passionate about their self interests and activism, to food and travel bloggers and even into the lucrative corporate world where blogging is still so important today.
Take a look at this infographic and see what type of blogger you are, then set yourself on a path for success!
2. How to Start a Blog
At one point or another, we all had the desire to start a blog, but had no idea where to start.
While it’s funny to think back at how complicating and confusing it all seemed in the beginning, it’s dead simple for many of us today. However, thousands of people will be starting a website or blog of their own for the first time today, and like many of us in the beginning, they also have no idea where to start.
Before becoming an all-star blogger, you must first make your way through the initial entry phase of blogging, and while this might not be the most exciting part of blogging it’s extremely important as it’s going to make for the foundation of your site.
This infographic highlights the 7-step process every blogger must walk through, such as choosing a topic, setting up hosting, site customization, content creation and much more.
3. The 7 Elements of Smart Content
At the end of the day, the success of your blog comes down to the type of content you have on it.
Way too many bloggers think they need to create content just for the sake of putting something out there. This can’t be further from the truth. Google wants real content that provides value and they also want it to be lengthy.
This means you should focus more time on creating amazing content and publishing once or twice per month, versus publishing boring content daily or a few times per week.
In this seven elements of smart content infographic, you will have the perfect checklist for your content. If your content isn’t helpful to your audience, consistent with other material on your site and doesn’t have a call to action or no real data to back it up — you probably shouldn’t post it!
4. Copywriting Cheat Sheet for Blogging and Social Media
Blogging isn’t just about creating content on your own site, it’s also about knowing how to connect with your audience through email and social media networks.
In this infographic we take a look at the different ways content creators and site owners should be using email, blog copy and social media to reach their audiences – while also pointing out actionable tips for each source and why they are important.
After skimming through this infographic you will have a different perspective on how you should share, syndicate and promote your blog content across different platforms.
5. Explode Your Blog with Social Sharing Traffic
With over two billion users spread across the major social networks, it would be a huge mistake to not be using Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram in your favor.
In this infographic, Ian Cleary breaks down exactly what it takes to get thousands of social shares on every piece of site content you create. Such factors include having a compelling title, making it easy for your audience to share, using Pinterest friendly images, sharing with your email list, doing outreach and much more.
One of the most important things for bloggers to remember is that it’s not just about ‘content creation’, it’s also about the ‘content promotion’ you do after the blog post goes live.
6. The Many Benefits of Guest Blogging
Guest blogging has become the absolute best way to make your blog stand out from the crowd.
One of the many benefits of guest blogging is that it’s free, however it will take up a decent amount of time to create high quality content that gets accepted on other sites.
Other benefits include increased exposure for your brand, gaining backlinks and putting your name and face in front of a whole new audience. In short, guest blogging is pretty amazing when it’s done correctly.
Follow the eight actionable tips in this infographic to boost visibility and viral activity to your site through guest blogging.
In addition to guest blogging for authority status and backlinks, there are also many sites that will pay you to write content for them.
7. How to Make Money Blogging
It’s easy to start a blog, but it’s not easy to make money with one.
When planning to start a blog just with the intention to make money, you are going to have to put a lot of time in beforehand to pre-plan your launch, choose a niche focus, study your audience and map out the whole process.
In this infographic, you are walked through the process in a simple 9-step visual. Though there are many factors that go into successfully making money with a blog, the most important is choosing a niche focus for your site in the beginning and knowing how to monetize and target your content along the way.
8. Top Bloggers Focus on Long Tail Keywords
As mentioned many times already, it’s easy to create a blog and it’s easy to create content – but it’s not easy to create a successful blog that gets traffic and makes a lot of money.
Why is that? Simply because there are a lot of components in play and if you aren’t focused on how to create high quality content and get incoming links to your site, then your blog’s chain of links all fall apart.
Just as important as choosing a niche audience and getting focused with your monetization methods, so is the ability to rank your site in search results for long tail keywords. Not only are long tail keywords easier to rank for, they also provide you with an audience that you know is looking for exactly what you are providing to them.
In this infographic we take a look at the hidden value of long tail SEO and also why you should be trying to rank for a set of keywords or phrases versus high traffic generic keywords.
9. How Top Bloggers Make Money with their Sites
It’s one thing to know how to make money with a website or blog, it’s another to actually see how other’s are doing it.
Ever since word got out that people were making money with blogging, the whole blogosphere has been flooded with new bloggers and content sites like crazy – which is fine, because only those who put in the massive time, work and effort will find success.
In this infographic we get to break down the many components of why and how top bloggers make money with their sites. Topics covered are; the five different types of bloggers, average earnings, monetization methods, highest earning blogs and actionable tips to help increase traffic and revenue for your own sites.
10. 50 Blogging Tips from Expert Pro Bloggers
One of the greatest things about blogging is that there are so many successful individuals, brands and resources out there to help you along the way.
The benefit here is that so many of these different resources and outlets are always willing to go out of their way to help fellow bloggers. This is exactly what you will find in this “50 Blogging Tips” infographic, which highlights actionable tips and advice from top bloggers Pat Flynn, Corbett Barr, Ana Hoffman, Amit Shaw and Jeff Goins.
Read what the experts have to say about their sites and their blogging success, then implement these same methods into your own site.
Your journey towards All-Star Blogging Status
All of the tools and resources are here for you, now it’s time to put them into action and propell the growth of your site.
There are simply no excuses for why you can’t succeed! While it may seem like a long journey ahead, take it one-step at a time and do at least one thing to get your site a step ahead each and every day.
Before you know it, we will be 3, 6, 9 then 12 months down the road – where will you be?
Guest Author: Zac Johnson is a world renowned blogger and entrepreneur with nearly 20 years of experience in the online marketing space and has helped his readers generate millions of dollars online. He shares his story and guidance at ZacJohnson.com