Win At Business And Life In An AI World

Fueling Innovation: How Human Energy Drives Creative Genius (Episode 200)

Ange de Lumiere spent 15 years working as a lawyer before starting her side hustle as a spiritual business mentor, building her business by working only one day a week for years.

She shows her clients how to tap into their intuition to build a business they love, without having to sacrifice their health, relationships, kids or sanity. 

She combines fifteen years of experience as a global mergers and acquisitions lawyer with fifteen years of experience in the psychic arts (what she calls her PhD in intuition from the university of life) and she is passionate about empowering brilliant entrepreneurs to use their intuition to create success.

What you will learn

  • How AI is integrating into human life
  • How unexpected experiences and learning paths contribute to personal growth
  • The critical importance of human energy in channeling creativity
  • Ange’s journey from a corporate lawyer to a spiritual mentor
  • Learn about the role of spiritual mentorship in business
  • Discover the significance of seeking guidance during transitions
  • The EPIC Framework for Success: Energy, Prosperity, Intuition, and Clarity
  • Why it’s necessary to fail on your entrepreneurial journey
  • Plus loads more!


Jeff Bullas

00:00:19 – 00:01:28

Hi everyone and welcome to The Jeff Bullas Show. Today I have with me Ange de Lumiere. Now, Ange is an executive corporate lawyer or lawyer who decided to become a spiritual business mentor. Now, it might sound weird to some of you but I am very much on board with the power of tapping into our, I suppose, supernatural consciousness that shows up. Now, see, we’re gonna sound a little bit weird but Ange spent 15 years working as a lawyer before starting her side hustle as a spiritual business mentor. She has built her side hustle by working only one day a week in her business for years. So she has a lot to share for people who want to build a business on the side. Her website is the and she currently lives in the UK. She speaks very good French. She says she drinks, she actually speaks Finnish when she’s really drunk. No, I made that up. And she also speaks a bit of Spanish. So she’s about three or four languages ahead of me and welcome to the show Ange, it’s an absolute pleasure to have you here.

Ange de Lumiere

00:01:29 – 00:01:32

Thank you so much for having me, Jeff. I really appreciate it.

Jeff Bullas

00:01:33 – 00:02:10

So, we had a quick chat before we hit the record button on the podcast here and tell me a little bit about the story that and how it started that led you from being a corporate lawyer or as a young person living in France, an experience that you just told me before that was, I suppose, a hint of where the future lay for you. Tell us about how you started as a corporate lawyer and then what happened along the way that took you from where you were to where you are today?

Ange de Lumiere

00:02:11 – 00:05:24

Okay. Thank you for the question. It’s interesting. Even how I became a lawyer is interesting because I had no desire to be a lawyer when I was little. It wasn’t on my radar. In fact, I had all sorts of dreams of being an astronomer, astrophysicist, whatever, artist. Lawyer was never on the horizon. But I was a practical girl and my parents sort of told me, you know, these are pipe dreams, you have to be practical. And so I went to see a career counselor. And she said you’d be great at law. And she was right, I had the right kind of frame of mind to be a great lawyer. And I became a great lawyer. I made it first in my year when I graduated, I did an international program where I got to study in the UK. I did a translation school, English and Spanish at the same time as I did my law studies and the future was very promising and I embarked on a 15 year career as a lawyer traveling the world. It was fascinating, interesting, stimulating everything that I, you know, anybody could wish for. But at the very start of that career when I was still a student and I was doing an internship and I could actually pinpoint the exact time because it’s on Wikipedia that incident which we discussed before we hit the record box button. I had planned to go and buy some books and maybe some music because it’s my favorite thing for me to buy in a big multi story place called the Snack in Mabas in Paris after work. And at the last moment when I was literally in the metro wondering whether to go out of the, you know, train, I felt so tired that I couldn’t be bothered, but it was instant, you know, one moment I was fine, I was going to go shopping. The next I just couldn’t think of it. I couldn’t be bothered, and went straight home. And the moment I came out of the metro, actually, I started seeing all these emergency vehicles driving past and I was only at two stations for where I was going to go shopping. It was quite close to where I lived and I wondered what was going on. And I found out that that evening that there had been a bomb attempt at the exact spot in front of the shop that I had planned to go to at the time I would have walked past, had I not decided to go home instead. And I know today with hindsight, this was my intuition, but because I knew nothing about intuition back then, I just discarded it as a weird thing that happened to me. And I’m sure a lot of your listeners would have had these experiences, maybe not as dramatic as mine, but something a little bit weird where, you know, something’s going to happen and it happens or you think about someone and then they call you or you go to the place not knowing or you take a right turn when you drive, whereas normally you would go straight or turn left and you find yourself in exactly the right place at the right time. This has happened to all of us. And I would actually love it if you could share that one of your experiences with me on this podcast of something that’s happened to you recently, of that sort.

Jeff Bullas

00:05:25 – 00:11:20

Yeah. Well, thank you for asking me a question. So, but, I was in the middle of a career transition, which means, basically looking for work, I was unemployed and I was looking for my next thing and I was intrigued by a social media, a friend of mine, actually a lady I went out with for a few weeks or months and she said you should get on social media. I got on social media. I was curious about that and I discovered this world of social media. So this is possibly gonna change the world. This is 2009. And I came across a blog by HubSpot that said, if you’ve got an inkling of what you want to do or start a business, start a blog. So I started from an innate curiosity about what I believe was a powerful trend of social media. I started writing. So for the next four years, I got up at 4:30AM and wrote for four hours, and published a post every day. And it was almost like I was channeling the universe. It was really weird. And I’m still today, really, really intrigued by what was the driver behind that. It almost felt like I was channeling a consciousness. I’d almost not like someone else. It was like I was channeling a curiosity almost supported by the planet. And so I started writing and I ended up with four or five million visits a year to my blog and got invited to speak all around the world. And I’m, you know, today I don’t get up at 4:30 to write. I have the time to do it in reasonable time, but I am still intrigued today by what happened back then. And that was about 2009 through to about 2013. And it changed my life and that was really, really exciting. I even, you know, I would get on my bike to ride to the office at, you know, four, you know, 5AM in the morning at 5:30 I was at my desk and I was writing and then I made sure I was publishing something every day by 8:30 then email marketing started after that. So for me, it wasn’t so much a singularity that you had about an intuition. It was more about a creative instinct and driver that showed up and I think for a lot of artists, I think what happens for them is they feel like they are just channeling the universe through them. They are just the holder of the paintbrush or the holder of the camera. And I certainly have experienced what you’ve talked about. So sometimes it’s not, for me, it was an inkling that then turned into an incredibly powerful force that you cannot put a label on it. It just shows up when it shows up. What you’ve gotta do is you’ve gotta ride that wild pony and have fun with it. And today we’re still riding that pony and we’ve had some fun along the way and now we’re starting to ride about as we evolve into the AI world. I think AI is gonna change humanity and we’re just trying to work out what that looks like, what that smells like, what it feels like. A lot of people are frightened by it. A lot of people are excited by it. I’m more excited than frightened by it. But I think what we have is we’re in the middle of some of the biggest changes of humanity in our homosapien evolution and it’s at a pace that is overwhelming and confusing because humans don’t like change. But in the middle of the biggest change to humanity that we’ve ever seen. And I think you just gotta be open to that. And so that was my experience about I suppose something surreal that I cannot put logic to it, but it showed up and I listened and I acted and the thing for me today that’s really important and I will share it with people and I have shared it is that you’ve got to do three things as a human, I think we’re all innately creative, whatever it is, might be a fashion designer, it might be an artist, it might be a writer, it might be an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur is a creative pursuit. I think we need to create, we then need to share it with the world and publish and then we need to share it and market it. And I don’t mean it in a non-authentic way. I’m just going to put it out there to the world. So, you know, you need to do one thing, create and I think we need to do that. And I think that will bring you a sense of purpose that will just support you through your entire life if you embrace it till you need to publish. In other words, put it into the public space because that’s the only place that you’ll actually change people. Otherwise it’s just an idea. And then you need to actually share that published piece of public content with the world. And that’s where the magic happens is where you share you with the world. And I think, and that’s the interesting thing about AI, for example, is that AI can’t do storytelling and I think the power of humanity will actually be accelerated and amplified through AI because AI will just be an amplification of our humanity if you’re willing to embrace it.

Ange de Lumiere

00:11:21 – 00:13:17

I’m so glad I asked the question. Thank you. And, you reminded me of one thing because this is something I haven’t shared with you earlier. The second probably marker on my journey of understanding this thing that was happening is I became a mosaic artist. It was for my enjoyment. That was back in France, carried through to the UK. But one day, one of the first pieces I did, literally, I felt my hands had done the piece. I didn’t feel I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t plan it. It was like it unfolded in front of me and, and I wanted to understand what was happening here. It feels like there’s this exactly as you said, this big piece of conscious thing that’s flowing through me into my hands onto this piece of wood with all these broken pieces. And it’s only when I trained in mediumship in 2008, that I understood that concept. What’s happened to you, what’s happened to me, what might be happening to other people. People are afraid of channeling. And I don’t like to use the word because there are some really out there people who channel and who have completely lost touch with reality. And I want people to understand that it can happen to each and one of us when we get in the zone and training as a clinical hypnotherapist has really helped me hone that process and understand how the mind works. And then I trained in Reiki as well. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Reiki, I’m a master. So then I understood about energy and it all started to make sense, everything tied together because if you understand the mind and how thoughts work, but if also, if you don’t understand energy, then it makes complete sense that we would receive inspiration from something that’s not necessarily human.

Jeff Bullas

00:13:18 – 00:13:26

Yeah. And well, I think it is very human because it’s actually human energy that’s actually being channeled.

Ange de Lumiere

00:13:26 – 00:13:28

Yes. No, I agree. No, I agree, actually.

Jeff Bullas

00:13:28 – 00:13:48

Yeah, but it feels superhuman because the reality is that we don’t make, can’t make sense of it. I think that’s what’s interesting. So you being, you’re a lawyer for 15 years rest of traveling the world, what happened next?

Ange de Lumiere

00:13:49 – 00:15:55

So what happened is I, so I had a reading that helped me to move, a psychic reading that helped me to move from Paris to London because back then I was a mom of two children under five. I was going to leave my husband, leave my support system, you know, move to another country. That’s a pretty big move. And I felt that it had a lot of implications, not just for me, which would be fine but for my children as well. So I wanted that bit of reassurance from someone who could look into the big picture and tell me this is such a bad idea. Never move to the UK or go ahead do it. And I did so I went to see this woman and she said, you will, you’re absolutely meant to go to the UK. This is what you’re supposed to do. Go ahead, you have my blessing and I did and she was right. I thrived in the UK. I loved it. I had this amazing job offer in London, and loved my job. But then I lost my job so I had to reinvent myself. So I trained in clinical hypnotherapy because I had always been fascinated by past lives, how the mind works, et cetera. And what was interesting is I had written a book like a novel back in France. But like through sweat and blood, you know, it was really a hard process. Every word felt painful, you know, like the traditional author sort of dilemma energy of, you know, I have to write. But boy, I wish I hadn’t to, I didn’t have to. And then I went into a writer’s block for 10 years. But when I trained in clinical hypnotherapy, it’s almost like all of this lifted and I was able to write a book and literally six months that was 100,000 words effortlessly. And this made me think, you know, what’s happening here. I want to understand what’s behind this and how this can help other people as well. And I think I lost a little bit of the thread of the question that you’ve just asked me that led me to talk about this.

Jeff Bullas

00:15:55 – 00:16:13

So basically, we’re asking you how, what was the journey from finishing as a corporate or finishing as a lawyer. Where did you go from corporate or from a lawyer to being where you are today? So it’s just the story of you.

Ange de Lumiere

00:16:13 – 00:18:42

Yeah. So, yeah. Now I remember the thread. So I had this reading before moving to the UK and then a couple of years later, after I lost my job, I was like, I’d like to go and see another psychic because I feel a bit lost again. Maybe I could just do some guidance and literally the woman, she did a really good reading. But at the end, she said, you know, do you mind if I must, my husband comes in? I want him to have a look at you, whatever. And I thought, oh my God, what’s going on? Her husband was a palm reader. So he looked at my hands and he said, do you know that you have angel dust coming out of your hand? And I said no. And I walked away. It was completely, I wasn’t prepared for this. It was actually unpleasant. You know, I was like, I don’t want to hear this. This doesn’t make sense to me. So out of my comfort zone, of my framework, went back to my car after paying them because, you know, she’s done a good job so far. And then it got me thinking and I was like, if I have this gift, which I actually don’t believe in, maybe I’m just supposed to use it, you know, whether I believe it or not, let’s give it a try. So I trained in spiritual healing, then I trained in Reiki, which is what led me to be a Reiki master that completely changed my life because I couldn’t see the world in the same way as I used to. And so this sent me on a 15 year journey of exploring all the things that are out there completely the opposite of what I used to be or used to do. And at one point I had to reconcile the two because I’m a very logical person actually. And I like processes and I like, you know, I like to ground things and that’s when I started calling myself a spiritual lawyer because I believe I’m still a lawyer once a lawyer, always a lawyer apparently. But I like to bring in all these elements that enhance our lives that bring us another dimension into maybe even the mundane because then you, when you see into the bigger picture, then you bring to it, a quality of passion and life that is different. You know, you can’t be in the routine anymore because everything, it’s almost like you, you switch on the lights. It’s like Einstein said, either you think everything is a miracle or you think nothing is a miracle where I went from I didn’t think anything was a miracle to think everything is a miracle. And to be honest, I think it’s such a gift that I wish everybody could experience the same thing.

Jeff Bullas

00:18:43 – 00:18:49

So what are you doing today in terms of you saying a spiritual business mentor, what’s that look like?

Ange de Lumiere

00:18:50 – 00:20:00

So it looks like helping people who do business well and who are successful, but maybe have lost the spark. It’s become a routine. And they say, you know, now what? What’s next for me? And they want to look into the bigger picture to see maybe if they have a specific purpose or if, you know, where are they going from there and to bring these elements of spirituality into the business either through intuition because I’ve studied intuition now for 15 years. And I wrote a book called The Intuitive Revolution in Business. That can help people understand how they can use their intuition to enhance their decision making process and everything they do in business. Like I love what you were describing earlier when I asked you the question about your intuitive moments and how you explain how this made everything so much easier for you and that you were inspired and it’s like the energy was almost irresistible for you. Because you had tapped into that thing that you didn’t know what it was and you were brave enough to trust it. And that’s one thing. Not everybody is brave enough to trust them.

Jeff Bullas

00:20:00 – 00:20:05

Yeah. Well, I was, I would say possessed in a very positive way.

Ange de Lumiere

00:20:06 – 00:21:59

I’m so glad you use those words because that’s how I feel when I do the work that I do because I tune in to the big picture, the big energies. It feels like I, my eyes are different. I see different things than most people do. But it’s very exciting. So I very often help people who have big visions but don’t believe in themselves and then with all the mindset tools that I have and the experience that I have, it can help them. No, actually this is in your, you know, I don’t know if you’ve heard of The Akashic Records. That’s what I read. So it’s the book of life for each soul. I’m able to see if I was looking into yours, which I’m not because I always ask permission and it’s always in the private setting. I would look into it and I would see what your entire life looks like, you know, what’s your path, where you’re going, you know, what are the crucial points on it and it’s so exciting when you’re able to look into it, but then you have to bring it in to the physical, you have to ground it, you have to make it practical. And what’s really interesting is that I end up very often helping people niche, which as I’m sure, you know, in the online world is super important and I, this big picture tells me you should be doing a video series or not actually an eBook, it would be better or this challenge would be good or this is your ideal client in the finest detail, but it’s completely aligned with the energy or the bigger picture if that makes any sense. So it makes it super easy. So I suppose if you’d known me before you started all your channeling stuff or your, what you’re doing now, I would have told you what you’re gonna do that basically, that’s what I do. And then I would have supported you maybe through the wobbles or the doubt or, you know, when that critical mind kicks in and tells you this is nuts. Stop doing it. You’re off your trolley or whatever it is.

Jeff Bullas

00:22:00 – 00:23:27

Yeah. It’s, I suppose as a writer, which is what I became and if I wrote basically an essay a day and if you told me at the age of 18, when I went to university that I would love writing an essay a day, I would have told you you were completely bonkers, but, I think I’m innately curious person and when I see something in the world show up that I believe is and I, yeah, a game changer. I’m one that likes riding the trends and evolving with them and I couldn’t live in a, I was a teacher but I couldn’t see a future and I had to leave that behind, but I’ve become a teacher but in a different sense to the world through my writing. So yeah, but it’s really interesting trying to work out and a lot of people and I really, really believe that people are every human is innately creative and it’s just a matter of trying to find that child again and that creator again that disappeared when we maybe chose a life or career based upon societal pressures, family pressures that sometimes take us a lifetime to rediscover or are never discovered.

Ange de Lumiere

00:23:28 – 00:23:39

Yeah. And that’s what I did when I chose to be a lawyer rather than all my pipe dreams or supposed pipe dreams. Who knows where I would be today if I decided to be an artist and fully embrace it completely.

Jeff Bullas

00:23:40 – 00:24:01

So tell us a little bit about, do you have a process or a template or a system that you, when you engage with a client to take them from, let me put it in alliteration terms, from the mundane to the magical again? What’s your way of doing that?

Ange de Lumiere

00:24:02 – 00:25:54

So, as I mentioned briefly and okay, the method is important but it isn’t in a way I tune into the energy of the person, the soul, their business because I believe actually businesses have souls and sometimes when you see these big corporations, they’ve been created by one person, the founder and maybe they’ve disconnected with the spirit of the founder. And so they lose their souls. Some businesses actually do lose their souls and have to be reconnected to whatever it was that they were created for in the first place. So I do that. But also I have a framework that I call the EPIC framework because I believe that success is going to need good foundations. And so there’s four pillars of success in my experience. So the EPIC stands for E for energy, P for prosperity, I for intuition. And the C is a triple C of clarity, courage and confidence, which is the mindset sort of, you know, aspect of it. And these four pillars, I’ve actually just created a quiz for people to find out which of these areas are a little bit vulnerable or not as strong as they should be because they’re going to trip you up the more successful you become. So if your energy pillar is not strong enough, your health is going to start suffering from your success. If it’s the prosperity angle, you’re going to start sabotaging yourself financially because, you know, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Gay Hendricks and his book, The Big Leap. He talks a lot about sabotaging and how when we reach a level of success that we are not used to, it triggers us, it triggers our fears and we try to bring ourselves down.

Jeff Bullas

00:25:55 – 00:25:59

Yeah because it doesn’t match what our expectation or says about us.

Ange de Lumiere

00:25:59 – 00:29:10

Yeah. Or your nervous system is not used to being happy, that happy or that successful. So it will create a problem just to bring yourself down into something that, you know, because our subconscious nervous system, whatever you want to call it, is used to a certain level of I suppose lifestyle or certain experience. And if we come out of it, it doesn’t matter if the change is positive, it feels dangerous to be out of your comfort zone. So that’s the prosperity angle. The intuition angle is that until you really tap into that intuitive power of yours. And I believe everybody’s intuitive, okay? Psychics are different. It’s like the athletes of the intuitive world, right? Not everybody is going to take part in the Olympics, but everybody can walk and run and swim. Well, most people, I understand that for some people there’s challenges. So we’re all intuitive but we don’t understand it. And so because we don’t understand it, we fear it, we ignore it or we misinterpret it. When we start learning all these things about intuition, what happens is what happened to you. Decisions become effortless. You’re almost guided. Everything becomes more fun, more creative and success is almost a by-product of how much you enjoy what you’re doing, right? So you can have success the hard way and you can have success the easy way. Intuition is the difference. Mind you, I will tell you some entrepreneurs and some business owners value hard work, you know, paradigm so much that they do not want to lean into this because they feel that if they had success in an easy way, it wouldn’t really be success, they wouldn’t really deserve it. Haven’t earned it, yeah. So there’s a bit of that mindset piece that can derive from the intuition piece in, in effect, they’re all interlinked. But, you know, we’re trying to find those four pillars and then of course, the mindset piece and I don’t know if you will agree with me, but it’s something that I’ve heard again and again in the entrepreneurial circles is that success is 50% mindset, 50% strategy and action. If you don’t address, if you don’t have clarity of thinking, if you have limiting beliefs that actually do not match your desires or your goals or your dream, then it’s never gonna work because it’s gonna impact the decisions that you’re gonna make. You’re not gonna put yourself out of your comfort zone. You’re not gonna go do that talk in front of an audience because you’re too scared to speak in public or maybe you have body image issues. And so even though you’re able to speak, you wouldn’t actually stand on the stage. So all these things are very important and I want people to understand that, you know, people want to feel confident, right? But it’s not confidence that comes first. In my EPIC framework, it comes last. You have to have clarity first and then you have to have courage and and it’s only when you’ve had the courage that confidence rides on the wings of the courage because you do something scary, you survive it and then you think, oh, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was and then you do it again. And this is what builds confidence is the action piece.

Jeff Bullas

00:29:10 – 00:29:32

Yeah, I would agree with you like once you get that affirmation and validation as you do things and they start to flow and work, then it’s almost like this virtuous cycle of affirmation that keeps pushing you to keep moving forward and flow.

Ange de Lumiere

00:29:32 – 00:30:44

Yeah, there’s sometimes a glitch because as you know, as entrepreneurs, we fail a lot to succeed. So that mindset piece is also important to understand that failure is part of success. You can’t have one without the other. And in a funny way when I just came out of my job as a lawyer, I was like, I’m going to be the only entrepreneur on Earth that’s never going to fail. That was my friend because I just couldn’t fathom what I couldn’t. The idea of failure was so terrifying for me. I had to be the only entrepreneur who would never fail. Of course, it never happened. But that’s where our mindset can get us stuck, you know, and then we don’t take risks or if we fail, we take ages to recover. Whereas really we should just bounce back, dust our stuff off and say it’s completely normal. But we do have an education system and I don’t know if it’s the same in Australia where the emphasis is put so much on succeeding on getting it right on passing the test, et cetera, et cetera that there’s not really a lot of space for failure in the education system. So we’re not prepared for failure in school.

Jeff Bullas

00:30:45 – 00:32:02

And I think that’s a very interesting word to use failure. And also the education system doesn’t prepare us for failure. I think in the western world, failure is not seen as a problem rather than as an opportunity because failure is actually where you really learn, you don’t learn from comfort. You learn from the challenges because I certainly experience and I get more comfortable. I’m going, oh, everything’s all right. I can just chill, lay back and not do anything. Whereas you really need to keep leaning forward into that in a positive way. So, how did, and that’s then raised the idea of how do you keep motivated once you reach a certain level of success because you’re going, I’ve got enough money. I’m earning X dollars a year. I’ve got, you know, no debt. I’ve got a home over my head. I’ve got great friends. So, but a lot of people are driven by fear as well. And that’s, it’s this interesting paradox between what drives you, is it this motivation and curiosity about what you’re doing or are you driven by fear and a lot of people driven by fear.

Ange de Lumiere

00:32:03 – 00:32:11

Yeah. And we live in a society that serves us a daily dish of fear. It’s not every minute.

Jeff Bullas

00:32:11 – 00:32:14

It’s all about surviving. That’s what it’s about right. Yeah

Ange de Lumiere

00:32:15 – 00:33:09

So this is where looking into the bigger picture can be this incredible motivation. So I was shown that I’m supposed to put intuition on the curriculum for all the way from primary school to universities. I have no clue how this is going to happen. But this is what drives me and every day I wake up excited by it because I don’t know how it’s going to happen. All I need to know is that I need to show up like in this podcast interview and share what I’m passionate about and it’s gonna take me where it needs to take me. So that’s a way that you can find when you have everything or you think you have everything, sometimes you think you do and then you lose it and then you have to start again. But whatever, when you think you have everything, this is the kind of thing that can give you that spark or even learning how to read people in a different way can make it incredibly exciting because you’ll connect with people at such a deeper level than you would normally when you have those tools.

Jeff Bullas

00:33:09 – 00:34:29

And that fascinates me. I’ve just finished a book by David Brooks and it’s called How to Know a Person. And it’s about how to deeply see yourself and how to see others. And it’s about storytelling. It’s about listening with attention and it is fascinating. So it’s like taking listening skills to a whole new level. And that’s where I believe the magic happens is when you’ve got the ability to actually listen and be with someone. It is because I really think out of that comes incredible insights and I think we all need to learn how to listen to people’s stories and connect with people because a Harvard research study showed over 85 years that real happiness comes out of really healthy positive relationships. And that’s been shown in other research such as the blue zones all around the world is that people that have beautiful, great relationships through tribe and community are some of the happiest people in the world and they actually have the benefit of living a long time.

Ange de Lumiere

00:34:30 – 00:34:49

And you’re right. I think we need to bring that presence element. And the presence comes from being connected to yourself to start with. So sometimes that’s also the work that I do with my clients is to work on themselves so that their entire world can be changed.

Jeff Bullas

00:34:50 – 00:35:08

Yeah. I totally agree. And I think awareness, others has to start with being aware of yourself and that’s where it’s gonna come from. You’ve gotta have the two elements, self-awareness that then leads to awareness of others. And that is a pretty magical equation.

Ange de Lumiere

00:35:09 – 00:35:42

And as part of my training as a Reiki master, I did actually a year long listening skills training. I thought I was a good listener before that. I realized I was pretty rubbish because I was always thinking, listening to the person, what can I, when can I intervene? When can I say my piece when I’m going to have a chance to say what I want to say? Whereas it’s really about just being there and taking it all in and silencing that voice that was me. What about me? You know, and that doesn’t mean that we’re not important.

Jeff Bullas

00:35:43 – 00:35:44

Yeah. It doesn’t.

Ange de Lumiere

00:35:44 – 00:35:47

You have to create that space of listening. Yeah.

Jeff Bullas

00:35:48 – 00:35:51

‘Cause really good listening is really hard work.

Ange de Lumiere

00:35:52 – 00:36:01

Yeah. No, I agree. I found it because I’m a podcaster too. I found this has really helped me to listen to people.

Jeff Bullas

00:36:02 – 00:36:14

Yes. And one of the reasons that I am passionate about listening and listening skills and communication skills is because my dad was shit at listening.

Ange de Lumiere

00:36:15 – 00:36:19

Ah, sometimes they’re the best teachers in that way, aren’t they?

Jeff Bullas

00:36:19 – 00:36:59

And, like I had a great daddy, love me, gave us a great home, but he was a great talker about a shit listener. And I made a promise to myself as I grew up that I would be a, I wouldn’t be such a talker that I would annoy people that they would actually turn away because that’s what happened. I watched people turn off as my dad didn’t listen. Just it was all about him and it’s really hard work to switch off the inner, all about me. What am I gonna say next? What am I gonna say to be important rather than going? Let’s hear your story. I’m curious/

Ange de Lumiere

00:37:00 – 00:37:23

And, you know, I don’t know if that’s how you feel about your dad, but I can think of at least two people in my life who were like that growing up. I think this because they hadn’t listened to themselves so they weren’t able to listen to others. So, this is why I’m saying sometimes you need to start with you and once you’ve listened to yourself enough, you’ve done the work, then you can be there for other people because you’ve been there for yourself.

Jeff Bullas

00:37:24 – 00:37:32

And I think we’ve gotta love ourselves first before we can love other people because you gotta be gentle with yourself first because we’re all pretty tough on ourselves.

Ange de Lumiere

00:37:32 – 00:37:43

Oh, I’m the worst. Yeah. My worst, my own worst critic. The things my mind said to myself I would never say in public.

Jeff Bullas

00:37:44 – 00:37:51

So what are you doing today? Does that start as a side hustle?

Ange de Lumiere

00:37:52 – 00:38:57

Yeah. And I would say it still is to a certain extent because I had to homeschool my children. I have four autistic children, two of them grown up now. And, yeah. And so I had to do things on the side and as they grow up, I’m right now in the middle of a divorce as well. So that’s why it’s still a side hustle but I have put all the foundations in place for it to blossom when the time is right. And I think maybe that’s the message I’d like to give your audience. I don’t know if they don’t have a lot of time, maybe they have a job, maybe they want to create something so that they can get out of their jobs, even if you feel frustrated about not having enough time, you have enough time. Don’t worry, you can work on your foundations and when the time comes, you know, it’s like this soil, the soil takes time, you know, and some people do it fast because they have the time. It’s the right opportunity, the right timing. But for others like me, we’re more like slow rumors and, but when the time is right, I know it’s going to happen.

Jeff Bullas

00:38:58 – 00:39:03

And we all have the time. It’s just a matter of priority. That’s really what it comes down to.

Ange de Lumiere

00:39:04 – 00:41:05

Yeah, as well, completely. So just like you said, talking about waking up at 4:00 every day for three to four years because you have this drive, I wrote books. I woke up, I did most of my business whilst I was homeschooling when they were younger between five and eight in the morning. And when everybody woke up, that was it, my business was done. Or then I’d have my phone at hand and when I had a little pause, I, you know, do a bit more social media, a bit more this, a bit more that I still managed to launch three podcasts, write three books and publish them, all that with a family of four, you know, so, and two of them, I was a single mom and I’m a single mom again. So it is possible. But I heard so much in the online business industry, you have to have this, you have to have that. You have to do it this way. You have to do it that way. No, this is why, also I’m passionate about taking intuition because you will know what’s right for you. Obviously we need to learn the skills, right? You’re a marketer, you know how to do the marketing. I had no clue. I mean, as a lawyer I’d never had to sell myself. So it was painful. It was slow learning about marketing. I think I’ve nailed it pretty much now. I’m really happy with it. So we do have to learn things, but we have to be discerning what we learn, what we take on what works for us, what doesn’t and to have that strength in ourselves, to believe that if we’ve had the dream, then the dream will happen as long as we show up day after day. And I think people need that. People like you and me, to tell them keep going, you know, don’t give up, be patient. You know, some people you see, you think they are overnight successes. Sometimes they’ve taken 10 years to get there, sometimes 20 years. I’m sure you have plenty of examples. I’m not very good at remembering names and data like that, but there’s so many even entrepreneurs like, I think Louise Hay started in her 60s, you know, phenomenal. There’s no really an age limit other than what we put in our minds.

Jeff Bullas

00:41:06 – 00:42:02

Yeah. I think that society’s limitations, put out, our parents’ limitations, our friends’ limitations. I think you’ve got to listen to yourself and create your own path. It’s a little bit like the holy grail, the story of King Arthur and the knights and the knights headed off into the forest to find the holy grail. In other words, their journey to find salvation if you like there was no path into the woods or the forest. Because once the path’s been done, it’s been done by someone else. That’s their path. We all are unique individuals. We need to find our own path. So that’s where you need to listen to your intuition and step into that flow because that’s where the magic happens. And I love Steven Spielberg’s comment about what we’re meant to be doing in life. You said it never shouts, it only whispers.

Ange de Lumiere

00:42:02 – 00:42:24

Absolutely. And I see intuition as a satellite navigation system that is going to actually give you the instructions to go on your path. So you receive those little nudges you follow. But what I want to understand it exactly like you’re sat-nav in your car, as well, is that if you take the wrong path, you’ll be redirected. So don’t be afraid to make a mistake.

Jeff Bullas

00:42:25 – 00:42:28

You need to step into the future. That’s what.

Ange de Lumiere

00:42:28 – 00:42:36

But if you don’t move, the satellite vision assistant can’t give you directions, so you’ve got to have movement and inspiration both at the same time.

Jeff Bullas

00:42:36 – 00:42:43

And the old cliche, the adventure always starts with just the first step and that’s what you’ve got to do.

Ange de Lumiere

00:42:44 – 00:42:46

And yet it’s scary, you know.

Jeff Bullas

00:42:46 – 00:43:08

Yeah, it is. So any, so before we wrap this up, Ange, any tips on people that are either stuck, which I think you maybe deal with a lot of people that are stuck or are looking for their purpose in life. As an entrepreneur or starting a side hustle, what are some top tips that you would say to them?

Ange de Lumiere

00:43:09 – 00:44:23

So I would say listen to people who’ve done it and who are inspiring. So definitely listen to your podcast, Jeff, and actually, I’ve subscribed to it and I’m gonna listen to some of the episodes after today. I would say do your research because research is always good. I actually have a seven step process to make decisions. And the first step is to put everything on paper, like empty your mind because we have so much noise in our minds, so much juice, domes, et cetera. Too many ideas sometimes. And it’s not gonna say that you don’t have an idea. It’s that you have too many and then look at the piece of paper and see if anything stands out because I find for me sometimes intuition is almost like there’s a word on paper that stands out from the rest. It’s not like it’s highlighted, but energetically, my eyes are attracted to it. So putting things on paper and doing that for the very first step. Planning is something I’ve resisted for a very long time. But I think that is imperative if you want to start something, when you have a project, you need to know what are the steps, break it down in small steps that are doable. So that would be my three top tips.

Jeff Bullas

00:44:23 – 00:44:34

Right. Cool. Thank you for sharing that. And we if there’s any links you want to share with anyone, to your resources.

Ange de Lumiere

00:44:35 – 00:44:58

Actually, the easiest would be my website, which is, which you’ve already mentioned because from there, you’ll find all my socials, you’ll find the quiz that I mentioned where people can find out which of the pillars are wobbly and need work. You’ll find my podcast as well. So, you know, everything’s in there.

Jeff Bullas

00:44:58 – 00:45:33

Awesome. Thanks Ange for having a conversation with me from the other side of the world. It’s been an absolute pleasure and a joy and we’re all navigating life and we, I think we got to realize that pain and struggle is just part of being human and it’s not a failure, it’s actually just part of life. And I think that’s, and you’ve revealed that to the world as well. And thank you for sharing your intuition, insights and story with us. It’s been an absolute pleasure. Thank you very much.

Ange de Lumiere

00:45:34 – 00:45:45

Thank you for having me. Thank you to your audience for entertaining me as well. It’s been an absolute pleasure to me as well and unexpected because I had no expectations for this conversation. So it was even better.

Jeff Bullas

00:45:46 – 00:45:46

Thank you.

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