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The Top 10 Brands Photos on Instagram

The major brands are embracing Instagram with a passion and work to get Instagram followers like crazy. Top 10 Brands Photos on Instagram

They’ve realised that engagement online with customers can start with the simple act of publishing a photo and then the sharing will happen. Sometimes knowing what to share comes down to trial and error with a dose of common sense and style.

Instagram’s website presence is still minimal with a blog as its main online non mobile asset. The rest of the action with Instagram happens on mobile with the images being shared on Twitter and Facebook.

These are the top 10 brands from Interbrand’s top 100 list, (defined as the most recognisable global brands). I handpicked these photos from their stream on Instagram.

This may inspire you to adapt your Instagram visual marketing strategy.

#1. MTV

MTV leads the follower count on Instagram with over 860,000 followers on Instagram. Typically photos are “liked” more than 10,000 times on this brand’s account and comments often exceed 300.

Fans can’t get enough of celebrities whether it is online or offline. The Instagram feed of MTV shows a what types of images resonate more than others. A breaking news with a shot of  a pregnant reality TV star “Snooki” generated 50% more likes (32,000 plus) than a behind the scenes shot of Taylor Swift at a promo shoot. (21,000 plus likes).

Taylor Swift Instagram

#2. Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks isn’t far behind with a follower count on Instagram of over 800,000 followers.Typically photos are “liked” more than 20,000 times on this brands account and comments often exceed 400. Just getting a little savvy with an attractive foreground and backdrop with the “product placement can induce some online engagement.

This photo was popular and “liked”  over 54,000 times with 0ver 900 comments.

Starbucks coffee instagram

#3. Burberry

Burberry’s is a 156 year old fashion brand with a distinctly British attitude. Their follower numbers on Instagram stand at just over 510,000. Typically photos are “liked” 10,000 to 15,000 times on this brands account and comments often exceed 300.

In viewing their stream it isn’t all about the fashion shoot but includes iconic photos of London revealing the often discussed British weather. Remember it’s not always about your product.

This is St Pauls Cathedral in London.

Burberry Instagram

#4. Nike

Nike comes in at four with nearly 400,000 followers. It is interesting to note that their photos have very little to do with the product but people, which is consistent with their tag line mantra of “Just Do It“.

Despite that one of the most popular  photos in their stream is of Nike basketball shoes being worn by the superstar Le Bron James with 23,000 plus likes and 346 comments.

Nike Instagram LeBron James

#5. Gucci

Fashion is big on Instagram and Gucci is a serious player with over 140,000 followers. Nothing like a well shot photo of the first company thoroughbred appropriately named “Guccio” to drive some engagement. No fashion on show here but a  sense of style is obvious.

Gucci Instagram

#6. General Electric

You may have noticed that the predominant brands on Instagram are consumer oriented but GE breaks this mold with significant presence of over 120,000 followers. General Electric’s technology and product range is vast extending from medical to big machines. Typical “like” counts number over 1,000.

This photo is the United States Airforce Memorial in Arlington, Virginia lit by #GELighting #technology. This photo is the kick off for a photo contest to win a trip to London for the Olympics.

  GE Instagram

#7. Audi

Audi sits right next to GE on Instagram popularity with followers numbering a touch over 120,000. Audi’s photos are always stylish and well shot which sits well with a premium brand.

There were 17,071 likes on this photo of the Audi R8.

Audi Instagram

#8. Tiffany & Co

Tiffany and Co is a premium jeweller that is a a global brand with over 120,000 followers. Nothing like a creative photo shoot of strawberry punnet of jewels to make lovers of sapphires and all things precious stones to salivate.

This photo attracted  21,885 likes and 618 comments.

Tiffany and Co Instagram

#9. Hermes

Hermès is a French high fashion house established in 1837. Current Instagram followers have reached 86,730.

Ladies always love an iconic classy bag and this photo is one of their most popular photos with 4,556 likes and 240 comments.

Hermes Instagram

#10. McDonalds

McDonalds has only recently leapt onto Instagram and has quickly grown to nearly 40,000 followers. The photos are not quite up to  Starbucks standards or some of the others here but you have to start somewhere.

This grainy photo taken at the Cameo nightclub featuring @riskone DJ the received 84 likes and 10 comments.

McDonalds Instagram

What About You?

So what is your favourite photo here? How are you using Instagram…just for fun.

Look forward to hearing your stories.

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