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The 4 Social Media Marketing Secrets Of A New York Times Best Seller

It was in 2008 that a book title caught my eye “The 4 Hour Workweek“, which is the story of the learnings and experience of  the author Tim Ferriss, where he looks at a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work?  The book opened my eyes to a world of infinite options and the manifesto for the mobile lifestyle in an information age.The 4 Social Media Marketing Secrets Of A New York Times Best Seller

This blog was partly inspired by the book and since commencing my blogging journey I can certainly vouch for its power as the foundation for developing a life that you want and are passionate about.

So who is this Tim “Guy”

  • Timothy Ferriss, nominated as one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People of 2007,
  • Is an angel investor of the social media platforms StumbleUpon, Digg, and Twitter
  • Author of the #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and BusinessWeek bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been sold into 35 languages.
  • His blog is one of Inc. Magazine’s “19 Blogs You Should Bookmark Right Now“, and it has been ranked #1 on the Top 150 Management and Leadership Blogs list, based on Google PageRank, Alexa traffic ranking, Bing results, Technorati authority, Feedburner subscribers, and PostRank.
  • Tim has been featured by more than 100 media outlets–including The New York Times, The Economist, TIME, Forbes, Fortune, CNN, and CBS–and has been a popular guest lecturer at Princeton University since 2003, where he presents entrepreneurship as a tool for ideal lifestyle design and world change

He was recently interviewed by Brian Clark from Copyblogger in a podcast where he revealed the 4 key secrets to his success with his blog that he used as the platform to launch his best selling book.

1. Be Exceptionally Precise In Your Messaging

You will find  blogs where you aren’t quite sure what the blog is about and its messaging is not focused. So if you want a successful blog you need to make sure your message is precise and targeted to your audience.

2. Evergreen Content

A blog can very quickly become out of date if it is all about the latest news in your industry. When thinking of topics keep in mind will this still be relevant in 12 months or 2 years. So think about moving from “Time dependent” content to “Evergreen” content that is perennial.

3. Reach Out Personally To Bloggers

The social web is very much about collaborating and getting other people to share your content. It might be retweeting or Facebook sharing but Tim revealed that he actually found the bloggers online that he believed whose audiences would benefit from his content and then met them and hung out in person. He also did guest posts on blogs that he knew would benefit from his writing.

4. Give Away So Much You Are Uncomfortable

This strategy goes against what we all have been brought up with and giving away content for free is something that grates against the culture we have brought up in which is one of scarcity and limitation.

Give till it hurts!!

There are many other elements to the success of  Tim Ferriss and his blog titled “Experiments In Lifestyle Design” that are worth emulating. So check out his blog and read his book “The 4 Hour Work Week”  you may be inspired, I know I am.

How is your planning for a lifestyle you love?

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