Playing in the school yard when you were five or six quite often involved comparing how many friends you had which was helpful in calculating how much influence you had and how important you were in the schoolyard pecking order.
Forward 20, 30 or 40 years and now in 2010 you can quantify your influence and attention through social media metrics.
Netprospex have taken it a step further and have quantified the top 50 companies that have the most connected employees.
So if you are curious to find who is the most connected company on the planet then here are a few numbers that provide interesting reading.
NetProspex titled their findings the NPSI Score or “NetProspex Social Index” to score social network activity .
The score is based on the average number of
- Friends or connections across major social networks (friendliness)
- Average number of tweets,
- Number of users following
- Number of followers per employee (twitter score).
The numbers were taken from across 9 major networks
- MySpace
- Friendster
- Flickr
- LiveJournal
- hi5
- Flixster
Microsoft’s employees emerged with the top score with the NetProspex Social Index (NPSI) score of 306 the next companies were
Rank 2: eBay with a score of 208
Rank 3: with 202
Rank 4: Walt Disney 181
Rank 5: Google with 172
Rank 6: Electronic Arts with 164
Rank 7: Intuit scoring 163
Rank 8: Raytheon with 157
Rank 9: Best Buy on 155
Rank 10: Apple with 153
What was interesting was Coca Cola coming in at number 50.. to see the rest of the rankings visit NetProspex. The other observation from the findings was the high percentage of companies that are either in the eCommerce or technology industry sectors.
Another another key finding was that membership of LinkedIn was by far the largest social network channel at 43%.
Note: NetProspex analyzed social media use within a sample of a database of 12 million business contacts, leveraging Rapleaf’s capabilities as the largest provider of online social data to take a snapshot of social media activity among the nation’s largest corporations.
So is your company on the list?