Blogging doesn’t come cheap, especially if you want to do it several times a week.
You have to come up with a good idea, create a great headline, write the post, hyperlink the appropriate phrases and words and sources, select some images to break up the text, select the right tags and categories and then hit publish.
So you start writing, it just isn’t happening… time for another topic.
As you trawl go through your blog posts drafts lists… again nothing there to inspire the creative blog writing juices.
Next you head over to your Google Alert inbox and check to see if anything that jumps out at you that is topical and worth writing about, Yes… finally … I notice a topic about “Trust” from the repected and trusted public relations firm Edelman, with 51 offices and 3,200 employees world wide, which has been publishing the “Edelman Trust Barometer” Study for the last 10 years and has just released its 10th study.
On reviewing the study 2 graphics catch my attention.”Expert Voices Most Trusted” and “Multiple Sources Enhance Credibility”
1. Expert Voices Most Trusted
An academic or expert is the voice most to be trusted according to the survey.
Blogging doesn’t make you an expert but just through the sheer committment, research involved and the passion required to write often and regularly, that the expert label perceived or real starts to shine through. It is said that to become an expert it takes 10,00o hours of practice to be at the top of your game, whether you be a musician or surgeon. Blogging gets you noticed and positions you as a thought leader and consequently as potential customers read your blog posts and observe your committment and passion they brand you as an expert. The next logical step is that they trust you and want to buy from you.
2. Multiple Sources Enhance Credibility
The 2009 Edeleman Trust Barometer Suvey revealed that people need to hear something about your company 3-5 times to believe its veracity.
So you are blogging and posting regular articles and promoting your articles via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Other blogs and websites link to your content because it is interesting, insightful and expert. You are enhancing your credibility, you are on multiple channels.
If your competitors are only mentioned a couple of times who are they going to buy from?