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11 iPad Facts and Figures To Make The Amazon Kindle Cringe

I recently wrote an article on the three industries that the Apple iPad threatens to change forever. 11 iPad Facts and Figures To Make the Kindle Cringe

That was March .. it is now June.. it is time to check the numbers because since then the iPad has been released in many countries around the world and it is time to check the athlete’s resting pulse rate.

Here are some numbers to make Kindle cringe and hardcopy offline publishers hyperventilate.

1. Apple iPad users are each downloading 17 apps and.downloading 2.5 iBooks on average

2. Nearly one fourth of all digital books are already being sold via the iBooks iPad app

3. Over 8,500 iPad apps are available after two months on sale

4. An iPad App creator apparently told Jobs that they earned more on the iPad app sales in one day than five years of Google ads on the product’s Web site.

5. There are 150 million (credit card) accounts hooked up to the App Store, iTunes, and iBookstore.. the buyers are ready to shop till they drop

6. 35 million iPad app downloads have been logged since the device went on sale in April

7. 2 million people have already bought iPads in just 2 months, and they are ready to buy your next great iPad application

8. The average iPad reader spends 60 minutes with each monthly issue of magazines’ iPad apps. The average visitor on the Web spends just 2.1 minutes per month at and 3.8 minutes per month at, according to comScore.

9. Companies are paying newspapers and magazines up to five times as much to place ads in their iPad applications as what similar advertising costs on regular websites.

10. In the nine days since it launched its $4.99 iPad application, Wired has sold close to 73,000 downloads–almost as many copies as the magazine sells on the newsstand–spending five days in the No. 1 paid app slot

11. The New York Times has had 350,000 iPad app downloads on one week

The number that  stands out is that the Apple iPad has gone from zero to 25% of the digital book market in just 2 months.

What do you think the impact of the Apple iPad will be on the publishing industry?

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