A while back I wrote an article “How Many Social Media Channels Should Your Brand Be Using?” Which commenced like this.
“I sent an invite to a past colleague of mine to be a friend on Facebook just recently and he sent me back an interesting email, which in essence said. ” I only have time for one social media channel (it happened to be LinkedIn), so don’t be offended if I politely refuse, but if you want to communicate through LinkedIn, I am more than happy to”
This was both refreshingly honest and revealing about the social media “avalanche” that invites us to participate and sweeps past us every day.
So this begs the question, how many social media channels should you be using for your company? There isn’t a simple answer to that question but it is more a matter of the resources that you have available, both in time and money to engage in Social Media effectively”.
Some of the big brands engage in more than ten. See the Report on the Top 100 Brands Engagenment With Social Media and my insights from the report”.
Multiple channnels provides many benefits.
- Wider audience
- More leverage
- Greater opportunity for content to go viral
- Different mediums for different types of people (eg some people prefer watching video to reading text) and as such promotes increased readership and viewing.
So far the post has received 31 comments. Here are some of the comments.
“Social networking will soon become the most effective way of building your professional career and creating a personal brand. However, one will have to invest time in learning the effectiveness of these sites and ways to use them properly.”
“Concentrate on a few networks then expand your presence from there”
“The biggest challenge for brands using multiple social channels are resources like time, human effort, continuously refined engagement strategy & better technology adoption to minimize the cost required for social engagement from brands side.”
“I think the number of social media channels a brand should be using is dependent on the brands goals and audience.”
So today I would like to hear from you on how many social media channels you are using for your brand.
[polldaddy poll=2481384]
So have you found using mutiple social media channels a benefit for your company and brand?