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How To Advertise On Google – Infographic

Advertising your business on Google is a fast way to grow traffic to your website, blog, online store and ecommerce venture.How To Advertise On Google Infographic

Google Adwords campaigns can be used to drive people to landing pages where you can capture emails and customer data that can be used for email marketing.

Ranking in the number one position in search results can be the major difference between success and failure for online stores.

Earning the right to rank high in organic Google’s search results and be on the first page of Google for key words or phrases can take months and years of  content creation, promotion and link building!

So how do you fast track getting found online? Paid “Search Engine Marketing” can be your catalyst to fast track your organic digital marketing and Google is the king of this domain.

How Much Does Google Make from Advertising?

Google makes most of its revenue from online digital advertising.

In fact, Google’s earnings from advertising this year will exceed $32 billion in revenue.

So How do you advertise on Google and how does the Google Adwords auction work?
What is Google AdWords? [ infographic ]

© 2011 WordStream – a certified AdWords partner.

More Reading:

Image by ConnorTreacy

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