How do you use Twitter? For communicating?.. sending out interesting content that you found in Cyberspace .. Retweeting interesting links and content being tweeted? Maybe you use Twitter for driving traffic to your blog or website?
In a recent interview one of the top “Non Celebrity” users of Twitter.. Guy Kawasaki was asked a question.
Question: “You currently have over 160,000 followers on Twitter (@guykawasaki) and are one of the top 5 users according to Twitter Grader (wow!). In what ways do you use and derive the most value from Twitter? What advice can you give marketers starting out on Twitter to inspire them that it’s worth investing their time?”
Answer: “Not everyone agrees with my use of Twitter. I approach it as a broadcast marketing tool to help me make Alltop successful. There is no right or wrong with Twitter. Like other large platforms, it’s a tool.”
He then mentions 4 different uses that people have for Twitter.
- Some people use it to create friendships.
- Some use it to service customers.
- Some use it to develop leads.
He said “I use it to drive traffic”.
In a recent conference he also said that there are those on Twitter that “want more followers” and the “others are lying”
What do you think? Looking foward to your vote and at any time you can view the developing results by clicking on the “View Results” button on the survey form below.
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What do you use Twitter for? Would like to hear your comments.. are there some other uses I haven’t listed?