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10 Ways To Integrate Your Social Media and Email Marketing

10 Way to Integrate Your Social Media and Email Marketing

Social media marketing is the latest hyped business marketing method and it is proving to be a very effective way of marketing your business when done correctly.

Most chief marketing officers know that e-mail marketing is still a very effective marketing tool and in fact last year a survey revealed that CMO’s still consider it as a top priority in their marketing plans for 2010.

Omniture and The CMO Club conducted a Digital Marketing Survey in May of 2009, asking 102 CMOs to rate the relative effectiveness of digital-marketing media. Most respondents, 78%, found email marketing most effective, while 33% had success with online communities and blogs.

The real benefit of social media is it’s ability to leverage your message and amplify your content as people take your message and spread it on their social networks. GetResponse conducted a survey and found that integrating social media and e-mail produced a greater than 30% improvement in click through rates.

So if you could integrate  your social media marketing with your email campaigns and email acquisition strategies you can synergize and increase your marketing effectiveness.

Here are 10 ways to integrate social media and e-mail marketing

  1. Broadcast your blog entries via e-mail
  2. Add social media channel subscribe buttons on your e-mail newsletter such as “follow us” on Twitter
  3. Place a link to your e-mail newsletters on your social media pages such as Facebook
  4. Send out e-mail newsletters that are excerpts to your blog with links to each post
  5. Include social media share options in your e-mail newsletter
  6. Provide e-mail sign up options in your company’s social media channels such as your Facebook page
  7. When asking for an e-mail opt-in option at your company call centre  also offer a social media opt-in option
  8. Use the sidebar on your e-mail-marketing newsletter to list and link to all your company’s social-networking profiles
  9. Use your ‘purchase is successful’ confirmation e-mails to link to your social media help forums or YouTube video tutorials
  10. Provide an option for customers to join your social media networks on your e-mail newsletter registration page

These are some options but it comes down to continually trying different ways to communicate to your customers to optimize your marketing programs and tactics.

Have you integrated your social media with your e-mail marketing or thinking about it?

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