What do you do when your computer gets hit by a virus and you need technical help to fix it and it is 5am in the morning?
Well, that’s what happened to me a few weeks ago and the pertubation of deciding how to best use my time was not a pleasant experience.
I couldn’t write my daily blog, I couldn’t write or send email, there was no online reading being done or research that I could perform as my web world was offline.
In fact working out what to do when your digital centric universe decides that it is not going to play with you takes some creativity.
So after realizing that I couldn’t even grab a coffee as it was too early in the morning I decided to be really innovative …. and proceeded to clean and tidy my desk!!
So what do you do when your world revolves around your Facebook pages? Well one of the top stories during the week was the fact that Facebook did stop working for a few hours.
Here are my 20 Tips on what to do when Facebook is down, feel free to add some more in the comments.
- Get on to Twitter and send tweets telling everyone that Facebook is down (along with millions of other people tweeting that Facebook has crashed) creating a social media apocalypse that crashes Twitter
- Clean your desk ..again
- Buy Google shares
- Ring your friends and actually have a conversation with awkward silence
- As you can’t fix the fence on Farmville, go and wash your real car
- Send an SMS to your friends announcing to them what they already know.. Facebook is down
- Read your children a story
- Do your tax return
- Write that proposal for your client that you have been meaning to do for days
- Send another Tweet that Facebook is “still” down
- Write a blog post about Facebook being down and the implications for society and our reliance on social media
- Start using Instant Messenger again
- Start planning to create a Facebook competitor
- Get out your 100 point bucket list and discover that there is not one digital goal you want to achieve before you die on the list
- Start a family
- Call your girlfriend and suggest that you have a bit of fun!!
- Email your 1,000 friends and tell them that Facebook is down
- Poke someone with your real finger… then hire a lawyer for sexual harassment
- Start a knitting club
- Do some work
What did you do when Facebook was down?
Image by escapedtowisconsin