People share information they see as valuable and interesting and the growth and ease of use of social media is providing alternatives for finding and sharing information online replacing mainstream media.
The Edelman Trust Barometer has found that over 70% of people trust information shared by friends whereas only 14% of people trust mass media advertising. This is where the real power of social media to spread content and build brand awareness starts to become apparent.
So trust is important for people to want to share your content but what is also important is the type and category of content you are publishing on social media is what people are looking for on that particular social media channel whether that be blogs, Facebook or Twitter.
Fashion is a highly shareable category on social media and here are two examples of successful use of fashion content that is published and shared successfully.
1. Supre Facebook page which provides a social media fashion site that allows the large fashion retailer (with over 225,000 fans) to engage and encourage sharing of fashion news and topics
2. Lustable Fashion Portal blog where top bloggers are engaged to share their intimate knowledge of retail fashion tips and hint.
If you are publishing on Facebook you need to be providing information that the readers there are looking for.
So what are the top 5 categories of information that people are looking for and sharing on Facebook?
According to the Chikita research network (with over 80,000 sites and 2 billion monthly impressions at its disposal for surveying and researching trends and patterns) they are
- News
- Community
- How To/ DIY
- Shopping
- Celebrity/Entertainment
- Technology
So if you are looking to having your readers share on Facebook you may want to reconsider what you are publishing to Facebook with topical news being the number one category of content people are looking for on Facebook.
Tip: Looking to hire a Facebook expert or freelancer, try Fiverr.
Image by by johnscotthaydon