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14 Ways A CEO Can Benefit From Social Media: A True Story

It took very little convincing to prove we needed social media for our company and our brand.

However, when it came to personally interacting as CEO of my own company on social media platforms, a wave of hesitation came over me on how to manage this pervasive virtual maze. After research and analysis on the ROI (Return On Investment) social media could offer, we knew it was IMPERATIVE to participate, not only for our company and brand, but for me as well, to remain connected and relevant in the business world.

When I saw Jeff Bullas’s “28 reasons Why The CEO Is Afraid Of Social Media”, it became obvious that I was no longer afraid, not only of new media, but also to share how we benefited from using social media, to not only advance our businesses, but also to improve our understanding of the new era in media.

So here are 14 reasons you as  CEO can benefit from social media:

  1. See change happen on Social Media: you do not participate; you no longer play in your field.
  2. Increase interaction and intimacy with clients
  3. Open dialogue with potential clients
  4. Get a live read of what consumers think of your brand
  5. Accelerate your brands traditional media efforts
  6. Adapt your brand language to connect with new customers
  7. Always know the latest industry and world news
  8. Share your experience as a CEO and professional in the field (I’ve found media has really valued that!)
  9. Address any false statements about your brand – ignorance is not bliss
  10. Drive business and launch campaigns on a limited budget
  11. Brand with an opinion
  12. Boost the impact of direct marketing – paging SEO!
  13. Direct connections with top media and analysts (thanks to social media I’m in constant contact with TIME magazine, Forbes, Brandweek, PRWeek etc)
  14. Spans all generations, races, creeds and countries to reach an audience no other channel can claim

Are there other benefits to a CEO engaging in social media you can add?

Cheers Sophie

This is a guest post from Sophie Ann Terrisse

Sophie is the Founder & CEO of STC Associates, a global brand management firm.

Send her a tweet @STCceo or a Facebook message or visit the website at STC Associates or visit their blog at STC Associates Blog site

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